

“Such critiques remain unthinkable because of the real/constructed divide (sometimes formulated as a division between nature and culture), in which many map the knowledge of the real onto the domain of science (equating the constructed with the cultural).” Anne Fausto-Sterling, Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality (New York: Basic Books, 2000), 22.
Frank C. Miller – Cultural change as Decision-Making: A Tzotzil Example
Frank C. Miller, “Cultural change as Decision-Making: A Tzotzil Example,” Ethnology 4, No. 1 (Jan. 1965), 53-65. Notes 53 – University of [...]
Frank Cancian – Stratification and Risk-Taking: A Theory Tested on Agricultural Innovation
Frank Cancian, “Stratification and Risk-Taking: A Theory Tested on Agricultural Innovation,” American Sociological Review 32, No. 6 (Dec. [...]
Frank Cancian – Models of Wealth Stratification and Risk-taking with Regard to Innovation Adoption
George M. Foster – Limited Good or Limited Goods: Observations on Acheson
George M. Foster, “Limited Good or Limited Goods: Observations on Acheson,” American Anthropologist 76, No. 1 (Mar. 1974), 53-57. Notes 53 [...]
James M. Acheson – New Directions in Economic Anthropology? A Comment on Kunkel
James M. Acheson, “New Directions in Economic Anthropology? A Comment on Kunkel,” American Anthropologist 78, no. 2 (Jun. 1976), 331-335. Notes [...]
John H. Kunkel – Opportunity, Economics, and Behavior: A Comment on Acheson and Foster
John H. Kunkel, “Opportunity, Economics, and Behavior: A Comment on Acheson and Foster,” American Anthropologist 78, no. 2 (Jun. 1976), [...]
James M. Acheson – Limited Good or Limited Goods? Response to Economic Opportunity in a Tarascan Pueblo
James M. Acheson, “Limited Good or Limited Goods? Response to Economic Opportunity in a Tarascan Pueblo,” American Anthropologist 74, no. 5 [...]
David L. Clawson – Intravillage Wealth and Peasant Agricultural Innovation
David L. Clawson, “Intravillage Wealth and Peasant Agricultural Innovation,” The Journal of Developing Areas 12, no. 3 (Apr. 1978), 323-336. [...]
Susan W. Almy – Anthropologists and Development Agencies
Susan W. Almy, “Anthropologists and Development Agencies,”American Anthropologist 79, no. 2 (Jun. 1977), 280-292. Notes 280 – Has worked [...]
Larissa Lomnitz – Anthropology and Development in Latin America
Larissa Lomnitz, “Anthropology and Development in Latin America,” Human Organization 38, no. 3 (Fall 1979), 313-317. A Latin American [...]
Robert Evenson – The ‘Green Revolution’ in Recent Development Experience
Robert Evenson, “The ‘Green Revolution’ in Recent Development Experience,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 56, no. 2 [...]
Geo-Climate Region Research in Cereal Grain Production
E. Walter Coward and Wayne A. Schutjer – The Green Revolution: Initiating and Sustaining Change
E. Walter Coward and Wayne A. Schutjer, “The Green Revolution: Initiating and Sustaining Change,” Civilisations 20, no. 4 (1970), 473-484. [...]
New York Times – A Green Revolution Turns Red January 8th, 1970
Billie R. DeWalt – Inequalities in Wealth, Adoption of Technology, and Production in a Mexican Ejido
Billie R. DeWalt, “Inequalities in Wealth, Adoption of Technology, and Production in a Mexican Ejido,” American Ethnologist 2, no. 1 (Feb. [...]
Robert D. Stevens – Three Rural Development Models for Small-Farm Agricultural Areas in Low-Income Nations
Robert D. Stevens, “Three Rural Development Models for Small-Farm Agricultural Areas in Low-Income Nations,” The Journal of Developing Areas 8, [...]
Christina H. Gladwin – Cognitive Strategies and Adoption Decisions: A Case Study of Nonadoption of an Agronomic Recommendation
Christina H. Gladwin, “Cognitive Strategies and Adoption Decisions: A Case Study of Nonadoption of an Agronomic Recommendation,” Economic [...]
Christina H. Gladwin – Production Functions and Decision Models: Complementary Models
Christina H. Gladwin, “Production Functions and Decision Models: Complementary Models,” American Ethnologist 6, no. 4 (Nov. 1979), 653-674. [...]
Theodore W. Schultz – Knowledge, Agriculture and Welfare
Theodore W. Schultz, “Knowledge, Agriculture and Welfare,” Science Studies 2, no. 4 (Oct. 1972), 361-368. Notes 361-2 – “The main reasons [...]
Rodolfo Stavenhagen – Decolonializing Applied Social Sciences
Rodolfo Stavenhagen, “Decolonializing Applied Social Sciences,” Human Organization 30, no. 4 (Winter 1971), 333-344. Summary and description of [...]
Frank C. Miller – Knowledge and Power: Anthropology, Policy Research, and the Green Revolution
Frank C. Miller, “Knowledge and Power: Anthropology, Policy Research, and the Green Revolution,” American Ethnologist 4, no. 1 (Feb. 1977), [...]
Edgardo Moscardi and Alain de Janvry – Attitudes Toward Risk among Peasants: An Econometric Approach
Edgardo Moscardi and Alain de Janvry, “Attitudes Toward Risk among Peasants: An Econometric Approach,” American Journal of Agricultural [...]
Christina H. Gladwin – A View of the Plan Puebla: An Application of Hierarchical Decision Models
Christina H. Gladwin, “A View of the Plan Puebla: An Application of Hierarchical Decision Models,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 58, no. 5 [...]
Decision-making Tree Model of Plan Puebla Recommendation Adoption – From Christina Gladwin
Billie R. DeWalt – Appropriate Technology in Rural Mexico: Antecedents and Consequences of an Indigenous Peasant Innovation
Billie R. DeWalt, “Appropriate Technology in Rural Mexico: Antecedents and Consequences of an Indigenous Peasant Innovation,” Technology and [...]
“Arado de Tubo” Planting Implement
Robert V. Burke – Green Revolution Technologies and Farm Class in Mexico
Robert V. Burke, “Green Revolution Technologies and Farm Class in Mexico,” Economic Development and Cultural Change 28, no. 1 (Oct. 1979), [...]
Clifton R. Wharton Jr. – The Green Revolution: Cornucopia or Pandora’s Box
Clifton R. Wharton Jr., “The Green Revolution: Cornucopia or Pandora’s Box,” Foreign Affairs 47, no. 3 (Apr. 1969), 464-476. Notes 464 [...]
James H. Street – The Technological Frontier in Latin America: Creativity and Productivity
James H. Street, “The Technological Frontier in Latin America: Creativity and Productivity,” Journal of Economic Issues 10, no. 3 (Sep. 1976), [...]
Jorge Martinez Rios – Las Invasiones Agrarias en Mexico (o la Crisis del Modelo de Incorporacion-participacion Marginal)
Ríos, Jorge Martínez. “Las Invasiones Agrarias En México: (O La Crisis Del Modelo De Incorporación-participación Marginal).” Revista Mexicana [...]
Ernest Feder – Notes on the New Penetration of the Agricultures of Developing Countries by Industial Nations
Ernest Feder, “Notes on the New Penetration of the Agricultures of Developing Countries by Industial Nations,” Boletin de Estudio [...]
E.C. Stakman, Richard Bradfield, Paul C. Mangelsdorf – Campaigns Against Hunger
E.C. Stakman, Richard Bradfield, Paul C. Mangelsdorf, Campaigns Against Hunger (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1967). Notes Note militaristic language of the title [...]
Karin Matchett – At Odds over Inbreeding: An Abandoned Attempt at Mexico/United States Collaboration to ‘Improve’ Mexican Corn, 1940-1950
Karin Matchett, “At Odds over Inbreeding: An Abandoned Attempt at Mexico/United States Collaboration to ‘Improve’ Mexican Corn, [...]
Billie R. DeWalt – Alternative Adaptive Strategies in a Mexican Ejido: A New Perspective on Modernization and Development
Billie R. DeWalt, “Alternative Adaptive Strategies in a Mexican Ejido: A New Perspective on Modernization and Development,” Human Organization [...]
William I. Jones – Mexico’s Puebla Project: Is there Hope for the Minifundias?
William I. Jones, “Mexico’s Puebla Project: Is there Hope for the Minifundias?,” Ekistics 36, no. 217 (Dec. 1973), 395-397. Notes 395 [...]
Carlos A. Benito – Peasants’ Response to Modernization Projects in “Minifundia” Economies
Carlos A. Benito, “Peasants’ Response to Modernization Projects in “Minifundia” Economies,” American Journal of Agricultural [...]
Harry M. Cleaver Jr. – Contradictions of the Green Revolution
Harry M. Cleaver Jr., “Contradictions of the Green Revolution,” The American Economic Review 62, no. 1/2 (Mar. 1972), 177-186. Notes 180-181 [...]
Harry M. Cleaver Jr. – Las Contradicciones de la “Revolucion Verde”: Algunas Contradicciones del Capitalismo
Harry M. Cleaver Jr., “Las Contradicciones de la “Revolucion Verde”: Algunas Contradicciones del Capitalismo,” Investigacion [...]
“Hybrid corn was the invention of a method of inventing, a method of breeding superior corn for specific localities. It was not a single invention immediately adaptable everywhere. The actual breeding of adaptable hybrids had to be done separately for each area.” From Zvi Griliches, “Hybrid Corn: An Exploration in the Economics of Technological Change” […]
Zvi Griliches – Hybrid Corn: An Exploration in the Economics of Technological Change
Zvi Griliches, “Hybrid Corn: An Exploration in the Economics of Technological Change,” Econometrica 25, no. 4 (Oct. 1957), 501-522. Notes 501 [...]
Elihu Katz, Martin Levin and Herbert Hamilton – Traditions of Research on the Diffusion of Innovation
Elihu Katz, Martin Levin and Herbert Hamilton, “Traditions of Research on the Diffusion of Innovation,” American Sociological Review 28, no. 2 [...]
V. W. Ruttan and Yujiro Hayami – Technology Transfer and Agricultural Development
V. W. Ruttan and Yujiro Hayami, “Technology Transfer and Agricultural Development,” Technology and Culture 14, no. 2 (April 1973), 119-151. [...]
How do we deal with an episode of epistemic colonialism invited by the to-be-colonized? Must we establish that the invitation of the Rockefeller Foundation program by the Mexican government does not represent an autonomous decision by every denizen of that government? Can we establish, somehow, that to indigenous groups within Mexico, the Mexican federal government […]
Alfonso Gonzalez – Problems of Agricultural Development in a Pioneer Region of Southwestern Coastal Mexico
Alfonso Gonzalez, “Problems of Agricultural Development in a Pioneer Region of Southwestern Coastal Mexico,” Revista Geografica 64 (June 1966), [...]
David Jones – The Green Revolution in Latin America: Success or Failure?
David M. Jones, “The Green Revolution in Latin American: Success or Failure?,” Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers Publication Series 6 [...]
Diffusion of the Mexican Wheat Revolution
Donald Freebairn – The Dichotomy of Prosperity and Poverty in Mexican Agriculture
Donald K. Freebairn, “The Dichotomy of Prosperity and Poverty in Mexican Agriculture,” Land Economics 45, no. 1 (Feb. 1969), 31-42. Notes 31-2 [...]
Private Sector Land Holdings and Their Crop Values in Mexico
L. M. Roberts – The Rockefeller Foundation Program in the Agricultural Sciences
L. M. Roberts, “The Rockefeller Foundation Program in the Agricultural Sciences,” Economic Botany 15, no. 4 (Fall 1961), 296-301. Notes 299-300 [...]