

A. T. Mosher – A Review and Criticism of United States Participation in Agricultural Programs of Technical Cooperation
A. T. Mosher, “A Review and Criticism of United States Participation in Agricultural Programs of Technical Cooperation, Journal of Farm Economics 38, [...]
Translation – Fernando Paz Sanchez – Mexico: Agricultura y Subdesarrollo
Fernando Paz Sanchez, “Mexico: Agricultura y Subdesarrollo,” Problemas del Desarrollo 1, no. 2 (Jan. – Mar. 1970), 17-42. Notes 17 [...]
David Clawson and Don Hoy – Nealtican, Mexico: A Peasant Community That Rejected the ‘Green Revolution’
David Clawson and Don Hoy, “Nealtican, Mexico: A Peasant Community That Rejected the ‘Green Revolution’,” The American Journal of [...]
As long as the story of science, technology, and medicine is told with the language of colonialism, it should be written using the methodologies of colonial, anti-colonial, and post-colonial history; as long as the story of science, technology, and medicine is told with the language of management, bureaucracy, and control, it should be written using […]
Tariq Banuri – Development and the Politics of Knowledge
Tariq Banuri, “Development and the Politics of Knowledge,” in Dominating Knowledge: Development, Culture, and Resistance, eds. Frederique [...]
The Green Revolution was first brought to Mexico and only later to India. Why is there such an imbalance in the number of scholarly treatments of the ecological, economic, and cultural ramifications of the Green Revolution in favor of India? This paper seeks to provide some small amount of ballast, and gratefully acknowledges and utilizes […]
Stephen A. Marglin – Towards the Decolonization of the Mind
Stephen A. Marglin, “Towards the Decolonization of the Mind”, in Dominating Knowledge: Development, Culture, and Resistance, eds. Frederique [...]
Can this taxonomic scheme (techne, episteme, and technai) apply to the interactions between Western-mode agronomists and Oaxaca’s indigenous population? What does it mean that Marglin’s essay employs the attitude and technique of episteme in order to make these claims? “But what is culture? We are all accustomed to thinking of culture as a set of rules, largely tacit […]
“Another reason why choice sets contract is that many activities are indivisible and require a minimum scale to be feasible. The substitution of mass-produced articles for local craft products is conventionally seen as an enlargement of choice. And for many consumers this is exactly right: plastic buckets win out over clay pots in the market […]
From Stephen Marglin’s “Towards the Decolonization of the Mind”: What is the nature of choice for the indigenes of Oaxaca in the implementation of agricultural modernization? Are they left with the choice of retaining traditional agricultural techniques and philosophies? What choices did they make? What do their ‘revealed preferences’ (see Marglin) indicate about both agricultural […]
“However, under both criteria well-being may be said to improve if people opt for the new alternative. Either way, a sufficient condition for welfare improvement is that people vote with their feet or their pocketbooks or their ballots for the modern over the traditional. Under the intrinsic criterion, the choice of new alternatives is evidence […]
Andrew Mathews – Unlikely Alliances: Encounters between State Science, Nature Spirits, and Indigenous Industrial Forestry in Mexico, 1926-2008
Andrew S. Mathews, “Unlikely Alliances: Encounters between State Science, Nature Spirits, and Indigenous Industrial Forestry in Mexico, [...]
Perig Pitrou – Life As a Process of Making in the Mixe Highlands (Oaxaca, Mexico): Towards a “General Pragmatics” of Life
Perig Pitrou, “Life As a Process of Making in the Mixe Highlands (Oaxaca, Mexico): Towards a “General Pragmatics” of Life,” Journal [...]
Vandana Shiva – Monocultures of the Mind – in The Vandana Shiva Reader
Shiva, Vandana, “Monocultures of the Mind,” in The Vandana Shiva Reader (Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 2015), 71-112. Notes 71 – SECTION: [...]
Vandana Shiva – Monocultures of the Mind – Externality Costs of HYV Seeds
Vandana Shiva – Local and Dominant Knowledge Systems and Disappeared Spaces of the Local
Vandana Shiva – Science and Politics in the Green Revolution
Shiva, Vandana, “Science and Politics in the Green Revolution,” in The Vandana Shiva Reader (Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 2015), 15-39. Notes 16 [...]
“As Anderson and Morrison have observed: ‘Running through all these measures, whether major or minor in their effect, was the concern to stabilize the countryside politically. It was recognised internationally that the peasantry were incipient revolutionaries and if squeezed too hard could be rallied against the new bourgeois-dominated governments in Asia. This recognition led many […]
“The knowledge and power nexus is inherent to the reductionist system because the mechanistic order, as a conceptual framework, was associated with a set of values based on power that was compatible with the needs of commercial capitalism. It generates inequalities and domination by the way knowledge is generated and structured, the way it is […]
What is the nature of a colonialism invited and enacted by some among the colonized? (How) does it differ from coercive colonialism?
Does the relationship between colonialism and epistemic colonialism, or genocide and epistemicide, extend beyond philology?
What is the relationship between the attitudes of Mexicans (differentiated between indigenous and non-indigenous campesinx, agronomists, politicians, public) to the Mexican Agricultural Program (MAP) and to the agrarian reforms of the revolution?
Thesis Abstract – 31 October, 2017
In 1943 the Rockefeller foundation, nominally in partnership with the Mexican government, initiated its Mexican Agriculture Program (MAP). Over the [...]
Schaffer and Shapin’s “playing the stranger” to eschew the “self-evident method” as a methodology for questioning the basic assumptions of the Western episteme on behalf of indigenous epistemes
Anthony Bebbington – Modernization from below: An Alternative Indigenous Development?
Anthony Bebbington, “Modernization from below: An Alternative Indigenous Development?” Economic Geography 69, no. 3 (July 1993), 274-292. 274 [...]
Russel Barsch – Who Steals Indigenous Knowledge
Russel Lawrence Barsch, “Who Steals Indigenous Knowledge?” Proceedings of the Annual Meeting (American Society of International Law (April [...]
Vandana Shiva – Bioprospecting as Sophisticated Biopiracy
Vandana Shiva, “Bioprospecting as Sophisticated Biopiracy,” Signs 32, no. 2 (Winter 2007), 307-313. 307 – “Bioprospecting is a term that [...]
Eugene Hunn – Meeting of minds: how do we share our appreciation of traditional environmental knowledge?
Eugene Hunn, “Meeting of minds: how do we share our appreciation of traditional environmental knowledge?,”The Journal of the Royal [...]
Erik Gomez-Baggethun & Victoria Reyes-Garcia – Reinterpreting Change in Traditional Ecological Knowledge
Erik Gomez-Baggethun & Victoria Reyes-Garcia, “Reinterpreting Change in Traditional Ecological Knowledge,” Human Ecology 41, no. 4 (August [...]
Miguel Altieri et al. – Agroecology: The Scientific Basis of Alternative Agriculture
Miguel Altieri, et al., Agroecology: The Scientific Basis of Alternative Agriculture (Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1987). Notes Xiii – “Nevertheless, [...]
Two Epistemic Conceptions – Mechanistic & Agroecological
Suzanne Moon, review of Zapotec Science, by Roberto Gonzalez, Technology and Culture 43, no. 3 (July 2002): 623-625. Annotations A commentary on terminological considerations surrounding science, traditional environmental knowledge, indigenous science, etc. Appropriate material for the taxonomic debate about Western and non-Western epistemology. Notes 624 – “Should these practices be called ‘science’? Gonzalez explains that he appropriates […]