
Tag Archives: 201x

Perig Pitrou – Life As a Process of Making in the Mixe Highlands (Oaxaca, Mexico): Towards a “General Pragmatics” of Life
Perig Pitrou, “Life As a Process of Making in the Mixe Highlands (Oaxaca, Mexico): Towards a “General Pragmatics” of Life,” Journal [...]
Vandana Shiva – Monocultures of the Mind – in The Vandana Shiva Reader
Shiva, Vandana, “Monocultures of the Mind,” in The Vandana Shiva Reader (Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 2015), 71-112. Notes 71 – SECTION: [...]
Vandana Shiva – Science and Politics in the Green Revolution
Shiva, Vandana, “Science and Politics in the Green Revolution,” in The Vandana Shiva Reader (Lexington: UP of Kentucky, 2015), 15-39. Notes 16 [...]
“As Anderson and Morrison have observed: ‘Running through all these measures, whether major or minor in their effect, was the concern to stabilize the countryside politically. It was recognised internationally that the peasantry were incipient revolutionaries and if squeezed too hard could be rallied against the new bourgeois-dominated governments in Asia. This recognition led many […]
“The knowledge and power nexus is inherent to the reductionist system because the mechanistic order, as a conceptual framework, was associated with a set of values based on power that was compatible with the needs of commercial capitalism. It generates inequalities and domination by the way knowledge is generated and structured, the way it is […]
Nick Wilding – Reviews of Galileo’s O (3 Volumes)
Response For this week, in addition to the “Making of a (Forged) Book” video, the Anatomy of a Book exercise, and the introduction to A Galileo Forgery: [...]
Erik Gomez-Baggethun & Victoria Reyes-Garcia – Reinterpreting Change in Traditional Ecological Knowledge
Erik Gomez-Baggethun & Victoria Reyes-Garcia, “Reinterpreting Change in Traditional Ecological Knowledge,” Human Ecology 41, no. 4 (August [...]
Monica Azzolini – The Duke and the Stars
Monica Azzolini, The Duke and the Stars: Astrology and Politics in Renaissance Milan (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 2013). Response It should be noted at the [...]
Robert S. Westman – “The Copernican Question Revisited: A Reply to Noel Swerdlow and John Heilbron”
Robert S. Westman, “The Copernican Question Revisited: A Reply to Noel Swerdlow and John Heilbron,” Perspectives on Science 21, no. 1 (2013). Response It [...]
Rienk Vermij – Johannes Phocylides Holwarda and the Interpretation of New Stars in the Dutch Republic
Rienk Vermij, “Johannes Phocylides Holwarda and the Interpretation of New Stars in the Dutch Republic,” in Change and Continuity in Early Modern Cosmology, [...]
Rienk Vermij – “A Science of Signs:
Rienk Vermij, “A Science of Signs: Aristotelian Meteorology in Reformation Germany,” Early Science and Medicine 15, no. 6 (2010). Response In “A Science of [...]