
Tag Archives: 196x

Frank C. Miller – Cultural change as Decision-Making: A Tzotzil Example
Frank C. Miller, “Cultural change as Decision-Making: A Tzotzil Example,” Ethnology 4, No. 1 (Jan. 1965), 53-65. Notes 53 – University of [...]
Frank Cancian – Stratification and Risk-Taking: A Theory Tested on Agricultural Innovation
Frank Cancian, “Stratification and Risk-Taking: A Theory Tested on Agricultural Innovation,” American Sociological Review 32, No. 6 (Dec. [...]
Frank Cancian – Models of Wealth Stratification and Risk-taking with Regard to Innovation Adoption
Clifton R. Wharton Jr. – The Green Revolution: Cornucopia or Pandora’s Box
Clifton R. Wharton Jr., “The Green Revolution: Cornucopia or Pandora’s Box,” Foreign Affairs 47, no. 3 (Apr. 1969), 464-476. Notes 464 [...]
E.C. Stakman, Richard Bradfield, Paul C. Mangelsdorf – Campaigns Against Hunger
E.C. Stakman, Richard Bradfield, Paul C. Mangelsdorf, Campaigns Against Hunger (Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1967). Notes Note militaristic language of the title [...]
Elihu Katz, Martin Levin and Herbert Hamilton – Traditions of Research on the Diffusion of Innovation
Elihu Katz, Martin Levin and Herbert Hamilton, “Traditions of Research on the Diffusion of Innovation,” American Sociological Review 28, no. 2 [...]
Alfonso Gonzalez – Problems of Agricultural Development in a Pioneer Region of Southwestern Coastal Mexico
Alfonso Gonzalez, “Problems of Agricultural Development in a Pioneer Region of Southwestern Coastal Mexico,” Revista Geografica 64 (June 1966), [...]
Donald Freebairn – The Dichotomy of Prosperity and Poverty in Mexican Agriculture
Donald K. Freebairn, “The Dichotomy of Prosperity and Poverty in Mexican Agriculture,” Land Economics 45, no. 1 (Feb. 1969), 31-42. Notes 31-2 [...]
Private Sector Land Holdings and Their Crop Values in Mexico
L. M. Roberts – The Rockefeller Foundation Program in the Agricultural Sciences
L. M. Roberts, “The Rockefeller Foundation Program in the Agricultural Sciences,” Economic Botany 15, no. 4 (Fall 1961), 296-301. Notes 299-300 [...]