
Tag Archives: 1979

The Emergence of Climate History
In my Master’s thesis I snootily described ecosystems as “contingent hybridities of elaborate interdependencies subject to chaotic combinatorics,” which [...]
Larissa Lomnitz – Anthropology and Development in Latin America
Larissa Lomnitz, “Anthropology and Development in Latin America,” Human Organization 38, no. 3 (Fall 1979), 313-317. A Latin American [...]
Christina H. Gladwin – Cognitive Strategies and Adoption Decisions: A Case Study of Nonadoption of an Agronomic Recommendation
Christina H. Gladwin, “Cognitive Strategies and Adoption Decisions: A Case Study of Nonadoption of an Agronomic Recommendation,” Economic [...]
Christina H. Gladwin – Production Functions and Decision Models: Complementary Models
Christina H. Gladwin, “Production Functions and Decision Models: Complementary Models,” American Ethnologist 6, no. 4 (Nov. 1979), 653-674. [...]
Robert V. Burke – Green Revolution Technologies and Farm Class in Mexico
Robert V. Burke, “Green Revolution Technologies and Farm Class in Mexico,” Economic Development and Cultural Change 28, no. 1 (Oct. 1979), [...]
Billie R. DeWalt – Alternative Adaptive Strategies in a Mexican Ejido: A New Perspective on Modernization and Development
Billie R. DeWalt, “Alternative Adaptive Strategies in a Mexican Ejido: A New Perspective on Modernization and Development,” Human Organization [...]
David Clawson and Don Hoy – Nealtican, Mexico: A Peasant Community That Rejected the ‘Green Revolution’
David Clawson and Don Hoy, “Nealtican, Mexico: A Peasant Community That Rejected the ‘Green Revolution’,” The American Journal of [...]