
Tag Archives: Digital Humanities

Matthew Evan Davis – Meeting the Medieval in a Digital World
INTRODUCTION – MATTHEW EVAN DAVIS, TAMSYN MAHONEY-STEEL, AND ECE TURNATOR 1 – This time of renewal has become a key part of how we have dealt [...]
Roy Rosenzweig – Clio Wired
6 – Thus historians need to be thinking simultaneously about how to research, write, and teach in a world of unheard-of historical abundance and how [...]
Bonnie Ruberg – Video Games Have Always Been Queer
1 – Amidst a dominant games culture that has proven itself to be openly hostile to diversity, the politics of queer play echo outward across games [...]
Roopika Risam – New Digital Worlds
3 – The Puerto Rico Mapathon is an important example of how postcolonial digital humanities has come to the fore as an intervention in digital [...]
Elizabeth Losh & Jacqueline Wernimont – Bodies of Information
Introduction – Jacqueline Wernimont and Elizabeth Losh Ix – This volume also emerges in an era when the tasks of intersectional feminisms, of [...]
Jerome McGann – A New Republic of Letters
1 – Here is surely a truth now universally acknowledged: that the whole of our cultural inheritance has to be recurated and reedited in digital forms [...]
Patrik Svensson – Between Humanities and the Digital
1 – The volume describes the breadth and depth of how the humanities engage with the digital and information technology, including [...]
Eric T. Meyer – Knowledge Machines
1 – This book is about how the Internet has transformed knowledge. More specifically, it is about how digital tools and data, used collaboratively [...]
Susan Schreibman – A New Companion to Digital Humanities
PREFACE Xvii – It remains debatable whether digital humanities should be regarded as a “discipline in its own right,” rather than a set of related [...]
Franco Moretti – Graphs, Maps, Trees
2 – The distant reason for these choices lies in my Marxist formation, which was profoundly influenced by Galvano DellaVolpe, and entailed therefore [...]
Thomas Bartscherer – Switching Codes
INTRODUCTION 2 – It is precisely this kind of dialogue— the exchange between Powers and the other contributors— that Switching Codes aims to [...]
Julie Thompson Klein – Interdisciplining Digital Humanities
Foreword Cathy N. Davidson Vii – Interdisciplining Digital Humanities: Boundary Work in an Emerging Field challenges the reader to not only visit the [...]
Arthur & Bode – Advancing Digital Humanities
INTRO – Collecting Ourselves – Katherine Bode and Paul Longley Arthur 1- Digital humanities has become an influential and widely adopted term [...]
Domenico Fiormonte – The Digital Humanist
Preface Digital Humanities at a political turn? Geoffrey Rockwell X – The new version of this book is current, accessible, and argues that humanists [...]
Matthew K. Gold – Debates in the digital humanities. 2019
INTRO – A DH That Matters – Matthew K. Gold and Lauren F. Klein Ix – What is the role of the digital humanities in the charged [...]
Constance Crompton – Doing Digital Humanities
1 – The Digital Humanities Summer Institute has grown concurrently with the dynamic field of digital humanities. Best defined as the intersection of [...]
Anne Burdick – Digital_Humanities
Vii – The present volume puts itself forward in support of a Digital Humanities that asks what it means to be a human being in the networked [...]