
James H. Street – The Technological Frontier in Latin America: Creativity and Productivity

2 March, 2018 - Thesis

James H. Street, “The Technological Frontier in Latin America: Creativity and Productivity,” Journal of Economic Issues 10, no. 3 (Sep. 1976), 538-558.

“Yet, the development of technological attitudes and skills begins from infancy in play activities; this fact is now well understood in industrial societies, but is rarely acted upon in societies with a different cultural formation. There is perhaps no greater cultural difference between children who grow up in Latin America and those in the United States than in the degree to which the latter begin in infancy to play with ‘educational’ toys — building blocks, puzzles, and simple tools — and proceed through adolescence to the tinker Toy, the Erector set, the chemistry set, the home-made radio, and often the home microscope and astronomical telescope. The typical North American childhood is littered with artifacts to excite the curiosity, to be manipulated and understood, and to be used with some end in view. This environment is, of course, made possible by the pre-existence of an industrial culture and by the wide diffusion of higher incomes. In Latin America these circumstances do not prevail . . ..”




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