
Tag Archives: 1977

Susan W. Almy – Anthropologists and Development Agencies
Susan W. Almy, “Anthropologists and Development Agencies,”American Anthropologist 79, no. 2 (Jun. 1977), 280-292. Notes 280 – Has worked [...]
Frank C. Miller – Knowledge and Power: Anthropology, Policy Research, and the Green Revolution
Frank C. Miller, “Knowledge and Power: Anthropology, Policy Research, and the Green Revolution,” American Ethnologist 4, no. 1 (Feb. 1977), [...]
Edgardo Moscardi and Alain de Janvry – Attitudes Toward Risk among Peasants: An Econometric Approach
Edgardo Moscardi and Alain de Janvry, “Attitudes Toward Risk among Peasants: An Econometric Approach,” American Journal of Agricultural [...]
David Jones – The Green Revolution in Latin America: Success or Failure?
David M. Jones, “The Green Revolution in Latin American: Success or Failure?,” Conference of Latin Americanist Geographers Publication Series 6 [...]
Diffusion of the Mexican Wheat Revolution