
Tag Archives: 195x

Zvi Griliches – Hybrid Corn: An Exploration in the Economics of Technological Change
Zvi Griliches, “Hybrid Corn: An Exploration in the Economics of Technological Change,” Econometrica 25, no. 4 (Oct. 1957), 501-522. Notes 501 [...]
A. T. Mosher – A Review and Criticism of United States Participation in Agricultural Programs of Technical Cooperation
A. T. Mosher, “A Review and Criticism of United States Participation in Agricultural Programs of Technical Cooperation, Journal of Farm Economics 38, [...]
Lynn Thorndike – Latin Treatises on Comets Between 1238 and 1368 A.D. – Albertus Magnus
Lynn Thorndike, Latin Treatises on Comets Between 1238 and 1368 A.D. (Chicago: Chgo UP, 1950). Response Here in the third tractatus of his first book of [...]